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Everything posted by btownheel

  1. Amateur nerds like us know I-85 is always it for climo. Stands to reason the pros do as well .
  2. Think that’s why everyone’s excited. No one trusts a real modeled big dog, we’re all cynical to the core. But a 4-6 inches of concrete after the sleet and zr finishes that has I-85 as the battle line? THAT all of us central NC folks know (at least pre 2020) like a family member and can trust a bit. .
  3. He’s become really tedious. Has to come doom every model run. .
  4. On the surface I like that look at least. .
  5. The ingredients for this one are all here. Just gotta get the timing right (and honestly, tomorrow to perform across the MA). A foot of snowpack to the immediate north can go a long way towards helping lock cold air in… .
  6. Not that my vote counts as a 90% lurker, but I’d wait till Tuesday for purely mojo reasons… Need all the juice we can get. .
  7. I’ll be darned if it’s not ripping fatties here right now. Mulch/ground fully covered, grass getting there quick. Roads still just wet. .
  8. Snow and sleet in Gibsonville. Just took a walk with wife and daughter in it. Big, pretty fat flakes and some sleet. Fun surprise! .
  9. With all politeness…. Screw em. It’s *our* time. .
  10. Crazy ice models almost never verify. ZR tends to be a bit self limiting by nature. .
  11. Caught a few minutes of dime sized hail. Does this count as frozen precip and pop the streak??? .
  12. Pretty legit ass thunderstorm here in Gibsonville. I’m taking this as a good omen! .
  13. I’ll say this. Finally got the grass to stop growing. .
  14. I watched the video it came from with commentary. Unfortunately, I think it’s real. .
  15. Newport emergency nets saying the Waterville dam has now completely failed. That’s a massive dam. .
  16. Greensboro (and now us in Alamance) getting hammered right now. .
  17. Man. Timing on this sucks. I’m piping about 20 feet of ditch that was left unconnected between two culvert pipes on my back property line because previous owners were cheapskates. Ditch is yard low point, one storm drain on neighbors side above open ditch already there. Connecting the culvert pipe, installing second drain feeding into main culvert and building a French drain between both yard drains spanning about 15 feet that connects into new yard drain basin. End result will be surface water gets channeled into first drain, if it overwhelms it is channeled down French drain path terminating at second drain and ditch is fully filled in and leveled. If this was next week it would be the perfect test case. Alas, now it’s just gonna delay me working on it. .
  18. Feel your pain. Caught the shaft here as well. The next 5 days better pay off. .
  19. Same here in Alamance County last night. Big cell dumped about .6 inches on us in 30 minutes and knocked out power, drains and yard had fully absorbed inside of an hour after that. .
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