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Jersey Andrew

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About Jersey Andrew

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    Fairfax Station, Virginia

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  1. Does the pattern show any similarities to January 1994? Seriously doubt DCA goes below zero but ice storms we have not seen since then to that degree.
  2. January 1994 was an amazing month with two nasty ice storms and record cold. Last day DCA was below zero. I was a sophomore in high school and remember our driveway was a skating rink and Dad could not get car out.
  3. If I remember correctly it was the JMA that first sniffed out the 2006 storm. Thundersnow and foot of snow here in NOVA. It was a lucky break in otherwise uneventful winter.
  4. As modeled gives the Knickerbocker Storm a run for its money. DCA will never measure over 20 inches though but a 30” anywhere in District would be mind boggling.
  5. This was the winter we were expecting last year but a year delayed. Absolutely incredible that almost all Mets and forecasts proofed this winter wrong. I’m not saying we are headed for a blend of 1995-96 and 2009-2010 but just thinking about possibility is very exciting!
  6. That was an absolutely crazy miss. My parents in northern Virginia received 28 inches and I got nothing in northern Jersey. NYC and Jersey made up for it with Boxing Day blizzard 2010.
  7. Why is Euro AI unreliable? I’m trying to understand how models work.
  8. Roger, any thoughts about the vast cold outbreak expected January 2025? Apparently it’s expected to envelope Europe in addition to United States.
  9. Think last time DCA was below zero in January 1994. I remember two wicked ice storms out here in Fairfax, Virginia.
  10. Does the angle of this storm put Tampa in more danger than the way Ian came towards the coast?
  11. Don, does NYC take a warm to hot turn around June 20 and beyond?
  12. Don, any thoughts on the Mid Atlantic and Northeast susceptibility to hurricanes this year?
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