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Everything posted by Steve

  1. What is a warning?? We have not had one of them in such a long time I forget what they are
  2. So our WWA just went from 3 to 5 inches to 3- 6 inches.. yes not a huge difference but it is a slight upward tick..keep it coming!!
  3. Been laying low... don't trust this storm at all... Just seems to dry up the further east it goes...
  4. If we get an inch this weekend, I will call it a success!! So use to nothing... an inch would be a win!
  5. I don't even want to track this... too much disappointment the last few years!!
  6. Someone just posted a Snowstorm thread that includes Ohio for this weekend... has doom written all over it!!
  7. This has got to be the most boring stretch of winter ever!!! And the 10 day forecast is more of the same.. Just about ready for severe season!!
  8. what a waste of a perfect storm track!!
  9. Yeah... winter around here is pretty much dead... yeah we get the occasional 1-3 maybe 3-5... but it seems like it takes all winter just to get that!!
  10. So local forecast for this neck of the woods calling for above average temperatures from now until Christmas...
  11. Same old thing . . Cold dry.... warm and wet!!!
  12. So sad..i really like Chris and his enthusiasm for the weather!
  13. Let's go... what is in store this winter?
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