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About RIC_WX

  • Birthday September 2

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  • Location:
    Leesburg VA / Swanton MD

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  1. This storm is on track to meet/exceed the January 19 storm impact at DCL. Consistent SN+ for at least the past 90 minutes not anywhere near as squally as I might have expected it to be.
  2. 26/24 at DCL, steady moderate and occasional SN+. Classic winter day here, not extreme but attention holding.
  3. 33.2 / 29.5 and snowing on the cameras at DCL. Heading out at zero dark thirty tomorrow, hopefully we keep power through the event so I can work from something bigger than an iPhone.
  4. 1.26” at DCL with another round incoming. Will silence “the lake is drying up” on FB crowd for at least a day maybe.
  5. Most of the highlands you can walk across the rivers and streams and in some cases, not even get your feet wet. It's difficult to fully appreciate unless you've been out there.
  6. 100 / 76 on the Leesburg PWS 81 / 68 at DCL A near 20*F differential in the mid afternoon is pretty atypical for the warm seasons, not as uncommon in winter
  7. 1.67" yesterday at DCL, 2.87" for the month. Considerably less at home in Leesburg. Lawn was last mowed on June 11.
  8. They tend to reverse pretty quickly, as I expect this one too as well as the hot pattern of the past month appears to be transitioning and we get closer to the heart of tropical season.
  9. 1.20" month to date at DCL, .74" in the past 48 hours. Deep Creek Lake is approximately 12" lower compared to this time last year, with most all of that deficit materializing during the "flash drought" period.
  10. Perhaps the highlands can give the Potomac a drink tonight after all…
  11. If the tropics start cooking as expected, no way we don’t get in on that eventually. May not save July but hard to see any drought seriously persisting beyond a few more weeks.
  12. We managed several hours overnight at DCL in the 40's. I bottomed out at 46*F, but by the time I was out for my morning run it had rebounded well into the 50's. Still refreshing to sleep with the windows open and AC off.
  13. What a difference a day makes! It’s hot and humid at DCL. Getting the outflow from that cell now and watching the more ominous line behind it in WVA.
  14. A quick.35”, a little more than last night and not at grilling time today. We’ll take it.
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