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About RIC_WX

  • Birthday September 2

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  • Location:
    Leesburg VA / Swanton MD

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  1. 10* and full sun when I showed up early Friday morning 31* and icy drizzle all day Saturday, including when I fell asleep close to midnight 45* and dumping rain when I woke up Sunday AM 22* and wind driven snow now Make up your mind why don’t you
  2. Not quite blizzard conditions at Deep Creek, but it is windy and snowing. The slushballs falling from the sky around 1:30 were enough to get the kids to put down their iPads. For 2 whole minutes. 25/23 moderate sn
  3. I just saw this, and was like “is that right”? We don’t see these too often. We are currently under a warning for wind, flood and blizzard.
  4. I think all of this is microclimate specific. There is probably a reason why I consistently bottom out around -12 under the most ideal conditions. Now that the lake is frozen, I have noticed the stations lower than me (at 2595', I am 160' or so above the lake) seem to be bottoming out a bit lower as the cold air settles. This is not typical when the ice is out, I will radiate much faster after sunset and typically the lakefront stations will be 2-3*F warmer. Your microclimate is inevitably different and influenced by the toppgraphy closer by.
  5. Despite a forecast for rising temperatures overnight, DCL bottomed out around -7 and strung together a fourth consecutive night of subzero temperatures. The zero reading in Leesburg this morning was the coldest of the series here.
  6. Cabin at Deep Creek bottomed out at -12.8 this morning. This is the lowest observation there since 2022. The below zero readings for three consecutive nights is unprecedented for me during my time at this property going back to 2021. Impressive cold!
  7. Light snow and calm wind at Deep Creek. 18.2 / 9.3
  8. The wind keeping the lake churned up last weekend was pretty much the only thing keeping it from freezing over. I assume it will be solid and snow covered at some point this weekend. Every time I check my cameras, it’s snowing.
  9. 20/14 at Deep Creek. DP ticking up steadily and the temp will follow, although it’s colder than I expected it to be this evening. Going to miss this airmass, the past 3-4 days have been glorious up here. Rare stretch of decent cold without much wind.
  10. 7/4 at DCL. Crystal clear skies and calm winds. Feels like we have a little further to fall. Lake is just primed to ice over, too bad it’s warming up after tonight.
  11. This storm is on track to meet/exceed the January 19 storm impact at DCL. Consistent SN+ for at least the past 90 minutes not anywhere near as squally as I might have expected it to be.
  12. 26/24 at DCL, steady moderate and occasional SN+. Classic winter day here, not extreme but attention holding.
  13. 33.2 / 29.5 and snowing on the cameras at DCL. Heading out at zero dark thirty tomorrow, hopefully we keep power through the event so I can work from something bigger than an iPhone.
  14. 1.26” at DCL with another round incoming. Will silence “the lake is drying up” on FB crowd for at least a day maybe.
  15. Most of the highlands you can walk across the rivers and streams and in some cases, not even get your feet wet. It's difficult to fully appreciate unless you've been out there.
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