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About Summey

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Hillsborough, NC

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  1. Flurries. My black car had a white coat in 5 minutes 23.2 F 12 DP
  2. We’ll have to compare notes in the obs thread in real time through the event. I’m ~2.5 miles south of the 40/85 split.
  3. So, kind of like Hickory As one who is also FROM Hickory.......a great place to be FROM
  4. Very fine, light snow just south of Hillsborough. 24 degrees and falling. Don’t expect much here but excited for folks in the coastal plain.
  5. Send the wife to the in-laws & stay home. Win-win.
  6. Ice accumulating & 30 in Hillsborough. Not as much (yet) as last week but looks like a few more hours of this could ge messy. Hopefully temp will tick upwards.
  7. Yep, where is the cold coming from? Doesn’t seem like evaporative cooling has low enough DP to get the job done.
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