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CT Rain

Moderator Meteorologist
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About CT Rain

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location:
    West Hartford, CT

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  1. Will we ever get a good winter?
  2. KMSY 211603Z 01017G25KT 1/8SM +SN FZFG VV006 M03/M03 A3058 RMK AO2 P0001 T10281033 RVRNO $
  3. I was in Aspen last week and had an absolutely phenomenal time. The snow was amazing. The highlight was definitely hiking Highlands Bowl at Aspen Highlands. It hadn't snowed in a few days but the powder stashes were still quite good. Can't wait to go back one day.
  4. No - but the GFS solution has always sort of been a thread-the-needle kind of deal. Worth watching for sure but I definitely a step in the wrong direction. We'll see what the ensembles do... the op GFS has always been a significant outlier compared to the GFS/Euro/Canadian ensemble suite.
  5. Well that went to hell. Way more progressive with less phasing. Looks like a more op Euro-esque solution.
  6. Love the weenie energy in this thread!
  7. Better... but still a ways to go.
  8. lol I mean it is what it is. FWIW, there's pretty much no change from 12z to 18z GEFS with QPF probs for Connecticut. Mean is getting skewed by some giant hits in there. Definitely interested in the storm... has some high end potential. We'll know more soon enough.
  9. The 18z GEFS still with a lot of misses/scrapers. Odds of >0.5" QPF still relatively low.
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