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About Ketch

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Wilmington, NC

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  1. Same north of Carolina Beach. All sleet this past hour. I was kinda bummed when I noticed my footprints were still very visible from when I was out there over an hour ago. It's definitely going to eat into our snow totals down here. We're at barely 3 inches.
  2. Heavy snow now just north of Carolina Beach. I went out and measured over 2 inches so far with about 1/4 inch of sleet on the bottom. The snow didn't really start here until about 8:30pm.
  3. Down in Wilmington, we're at 70 degrees and there have been a few peeks of sun. Schools in the area are now on a 2-hour early dismissal.
  4. Got, what may be, one last beach day in today (I'm in ILM...just north of Snows Cut). Gotta say, I was really surprised just how warm the ocean is. 85 degrees. It was almost uncomfortably warm. I'll decide on Monday what we're going to do. The thrill-seeker in me wants to experience it (I've been through a few cat 1 and 2's but nothing like what this may become)...but with a family...its certainly not worth risking life...mine or my family. I'm sure hoping Wilmington doesn't take this one on the chin.
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