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Everything posted by blueheels2

  1. Yeah I think I’m thinking of the 2000 storm but I was so sure that storm was in 2001. So weird how the mind misremembers like that.
  2. Can someone tell me I’m not crazy? I lived in Conetoe in 2001. I swear we had a snowstorm in the middle to latter half of January that was 16”. Greg Fishel thought we might get an inch and some weird pattern caused the storm to exceed expectations. All I can find is the 2000 snowstorm. Am I wrong about the 2001 storm?
  3. Well it’s thunder and lightning in Rolesville right now! Normally I would say in 10 days we would see snow. The past 15 years say no.
  4. I I joined this site 12 years ago or so, mainly to watch for winter weather. I used to get so excited to weenie watch but it feels like the last 6 or 7 years have all been duds. I check in now about once every 2 weeks and am disappointed. Climate change sucks.
  5. I usually check in beginning of December to start looking for snow storms to chase . I stopped in today but I knew there would be nothing on the horizon. I don’t think we’ll see more than a flurry all winter.
  6. I was at ECU for this. They shut down classes early and we had a big hurricane party in our dorm. I passed out before it ever got there and missed all the fun.
  7. I know it’s not right of me but I would like to get some tropical storm/hurricane action in the Triangle.
  8. Im in Rolesville and we already have more than we had last event. Nice glaze on trees and the deck.
  9. 20 years of sobriety lol. I was wanting to get hanmered by the storm but I have no problem with those would partake on a stormy day,.
  10. Live in Rolesville. Would really love to get hammered tomorrow and take the day off but probably not going to happen. I’ll gladly take a couple of days without power.
  11. I just came through there. Glaze on the trees you can see but everything else is fine.
  12. I live in Rolesville. What is this snow you speaking?
  13. I am disappointed with the lack of hotness on the mid to long term discussion board. Cold rain to infinity and beyond.
  14. Might be the wrong place but I have work to do at the NCVA border tomorrow morning. Planning on leaving Raleigh at 5 am. Should I be concerned. My van will not like slick roads.
  15. Is this the thread where I can weep,wail, gnash my teeth? One day I will have the money to chase the snow. At least this is what I tell myself as I cry in the fetal position thinking about falling snow.
  16. We had a good 10 minutes of snow in Rolesville.
  17. I’ve come to the realization that if I want to see good snows every year I’m going to have to budget money to and pack up and go to the mountains rent a cabin and enjoy it that way.
  18. Ground turning White and sticking into cars in Rolesville.
  19. Just started snowing in Rolesville about 5 minutes ago.
  20. Glad I haven’t bought in to this storm. Sleet fest it is!!!!!
  21. And playing in the frost with frost ball fights.
  22. Final call for RDU= -6" Pick your favorite Raleigh snowstorm in history and deduct 6" . That s right we get so little it robsprevious storms of snow totals.
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