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Everything posted by blueheels2

  1. Me I hate summer and spring. Fall and winter forever!!! But I have to work outside in it a lot and I get sick of the heat.
  2. Hate to ask but what’s the start time in Lillington/Fayettevile area? Don’t want to get stuck in a traffic disaster
  3. If you want to see snow turn on the Eagles/Rams games.
  4. Don’t know where else to out this so here goes. Is it possible for Lake Gaston to produce a lake snow effect that increases totals. I was looking at old snow storms and was looking at 1-6/7-1996 and it has the LKG area down for 4-6 inches. I specifically remember the storm , remember playing in it driving etc. We had a foot and it just wasn’t at my house it was definitely within a couple of miles of where we were. Drove back and forth to some friends and my mom was freakin because the roads were terrible.
  5. I’ll believe it when I’m standing in 10” of snow and it’s still snowing.
  6. Dusting here in Rolesville, with some rain, freezing rain and sleet. Probably snowed an hour at the most. This doesn’t really count as a storm to me. Kind of a joke, but I’m not mad, model watching was fun again, kids got out early and I didn’t allow myself to buy into any real chance of a real storm.
  7. I’m in Rolesville, and as usual I am prepared for disappointment.
  8. For the Triangle I would think it would be a no brainer. Release at 12 to avoid a repeat of the 2004 or 2014 commute disasters.
  9. Oh boy this place is dead. Will it ever snow again in Central NC?
  10. Where’s the cliff it’s time to jump. We may not even get a cold rain out of this just a cloudy day.
  11. I don’t say much because I have a very limited understanding of forecasting weather, but really enjoy reading posts about it. But mainly I’m reading during hurricane season and the now non existent snow season.
  12. Well this sucks. Looks like another year where I mostly won’t bother checking in here because there is zero chance of snow. I had som good times chasing storms here 10 or 15 years ago. Now it’s just dead.
  13. As a parent I can’t imagine the pain this woman must feel. God help her to cope and recover.
  14. Praying for you and your son Seminole. Sorry to hear this.
  15. I have this problem and the problem is not that we are using TapaTalk to view the site. Problem is when the site is viewed on an iPhone a pop up comes up when you try to click on a link. Pop up asks whether you want to use TaT or Safari to view the site, however an ad pops up before you can click Safari leaving your only option to browse the site is TapaTalk. And there is no x to click the ad so you can click on Safari. I don't even have the app on my phone. Not just my phone either , same thing happens on my wife's phone as well.
  16. I want to cry. I remember the good old days when we used to track storms that never happened. Now nothing happens ever.
  17. Oh man what I would give for that to come to fruition.
  18. I think this is one of those things where it used to happen but won’t anymore.
  19. I don’t but I don’t really understand the weather. I’m just a weenie looking for snow. In fact if I follow a storm close and it doesn’t come to fruition I feel like I have a hangover. Wasn’t this bad 10 years ago but our chances were better then
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