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Everything posted by DeltaPilot

  1. Is it time to break out the 11th event and the 14th event? Seems there might be a tad of confusion in here regarding the two different events. I keep seeing models posted for both. Sure looking like the second event has a bit more chances for accumulations here around ATL atm.
  2. Rad, Probably some attenuation going on there. Storm needs to get closer to the radar.
  3. CDO still looking like its struggling a bit. Doesnt have that symmetrical look quite yet, but it looks better than it has since early this am.
  4. It sure is Allsnow. Been pouring off and on here since about 1130 am. Looks to go on for the rest of tonight and into tommorow, then we get the northern bands from Helene.
  5. Looking at Satellite this am sure seems the convection is displaced quite a bit east and slightly south of the current center being depicted. Will be interesting to see what Recon finds.
  6. Did the Hurricane Hunters fly this storm? Seeing a lot of "debate" about what this storm actually was Strength wise when it made landfall. It was obviously undergoing degradation from terrain, but Im curious. Hard to believe the lack of coverage for this event. Damage looks to support at least a high end CAT 3 and easily a 4 from what I have seen so far.
  7. Looking like its slightly better "organized". More convection this am. Looks displaced eastward from center, but NHC put it at 50% this am.
  8. Anyone have any good links to damage assessment, videos etc for Ian around Ft Meyers?
  9. Can I make a suggestion to anyone who will get to take videos of damage or whatever. SLOWDOWN PANNING YOUR DEVICE. DONT WALK WHILE FILMING. G E E Z U S.
  10. Its pretty early to be wishcasting ERC's. Lets see what happens once it emerges off the Cuban coast in the morning. The really tough call on this is the trough strength and the fact that 10 or 20 miles one way or the other may make a LOT of difference if it scrapes along the coast all day as it nears landfall or closest approach. This thing does not need to make landfall to cause historic flooding and surge damage.
  11. Noticed that swirl off the SC/GA coast on the Sat imagery this am. More returns now associated with it.
  12. 35 here in Senoia, GA and a few flakes mixed in with the drizzle. Dont think the cold air is gonna make it here for any real accumulation. Was hoping for a dusting, but not holding my breath.
  13. Just...WOW...... https://twitter.com/T_Hofelich/status/1469525957941895173?s=20&fbclid=IwAR1aEYFbSNNPqnByG_XENgIiB_QDRrDvZP9K29JfG5t4Pa0gGasyxryUWko
  14. For folks wondering how a Hurricane can retain a lot of energy over the Mississippi Delta, here is a shot of what most of it looks like south of Morgan City, Houma and out towards Grand Isle and east. Its mostly water and it isnt any cooler than the GOM is. Will take a while until its over more "dry" land to spin down. A lot of energy to tap there. Not like the Ocean, but far better than dry land.
  15. Maybe what I meant is "stacking". Definitely needs some larger convection to fire around that swirl.
  16. It's definitely got some Organizing to do and not a lot of time to do it. We....GA...do NOT need the rain!!!!
  17. The last real "free" place with a semi decent Radar picture turned into CRAP! Sending a strongly worded email asap.
  18. You are not alone! I have pretty much the same problems here. One site I like for sat imagery is the GOES pages. https://www.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/GOES/conus.php?sat=G16 Also for radar "big pic" I use the NWS large composite full res loop. https://radar.weather.gov/Conus/full.php (edit..HAHA just saw thats the one u linked! sorry) For in close radar with lightning and a host of other goodies.....I go to the phone and Radar Scope pro (paid) its worth it. Surprised there are not some better "working" weather pages out there!
  19. The storm seems to have taken ATL by surprise. Things tonight along Atlanta interstates and secondary roads have progressed into a widespread state of emergency due to very dangerous driving conditions coming as folks began leaving work and school around the noon hour due to the arrival of the snow. Roads have become very ugly due to the snow and low temperatures and lack of treatment due to the gridlock situation. As of late this evening there are thousands of stories coming across the local news channels of stranded, and wrecked motorists caught unprepared for the event. Many schools have students and teachers sheltering in place since attempting to leave was thwarted by the conditions and ensuing gridlock of the traffic system. Students have been traped on buses in traffic. People are now into their 8th+ hour in their vehicles with no hope of getting home. A lot of stories coming out about folks abandoning vehicles and walking in sub 20 degree temps. Home depots and local fire departments are providing shelter for folks who can get there. I hope for the best, but there is a good bit of failure on the part of a lot of people who just did not pay attention. Adding to this, the meteorologic warnings probably came a bit late for the metro area early this am. There may be a lot of bad news in the morning but Im hoping that most folks who cannot continue, or run out of fuel, will get help. A good source of info are the local ATL news channels. They are doing a good job of covering what is going down. The Governor has declared an official state of emergency and called out the National Guard. I know this sounds surreal, but even on a nice day ATL traffic can be a nightmare. I started this thread to alleviate cluttering up the other ones more about actual observations.
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