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Everything posted by yoda

  1. 12z CMC starts frozen at 114 Still frozen i95 and west at 126
  2. LWX morning disco on the threat .LONG TERM /TUESDAY THROUGH FRIDAY/... H5 riding will briefly build in Tuesday as a 1036 mb + high remains over eastern Quebec. This will result in subsidence at the surface with dry and sunny conditions. Temps will be in the low 40s for most (30s mountains). Now for the main focus of the long term, the highly advertised storm system. There remains considerable spread between different global guidance - with the GFS having more of a suppressed/progressive wave while the Euro is much more amplified. Overall ensemble guidance continues to support the Euro with a parent ULL moving through the Ohio Valley Wednesday and Northeast/offshore into the Atlantic by Friday/Saturday. Uncertainty remains regarding any coastal low formation and associated wintry precipitation. Given the anomalous high pressure north of the region and surface ridge extending down the spine of the Appalachians, wintry precipitation (all types) is possible across the entire area in the late Wednesday to early Friday timeframe with higher chances along and west of the Blue Ridge mountains. Will continue to monitor this system as it gets closer and confidence increases. As the ULL moves offshore, there is the potential for a long- duration upslope snow event. Models hint at 24+ hours of QPF across the mountains starting near 12Z Friday into Saturday. This will be highly dependent on the aforementioned system and ULL pattern, will continue to monitor. Strong winds are possible areawide on the backside of the low. Temps will be below normal behind the system.
  3. Only 7 of the 50 members support the OP run
  4. Euro Control is going to support the OP... lets see what the individ ensembles say in a few
  5. What's also interesting are the soundings during this storm on this 00z EURO run. Mostly below zero until you reach about 950mb to the surface for the areas that are breach 32 degrees... so its a very small warm layer at the very bottom
  6. Through 240, 8 members drop greater then or equal to 2" of snow at DCA. 4 members drop 6"+... while 2 members are full fledged snowstorms (one member for all and one member for N VA/C MD)
  7. There are a couple loltastic 12z EURO ensemble members for next Friday into Saturday FWIW
  8. 50/50 low, -NAO... cold air coming in from Canada...
  9. This looks good to me unless I'm wrong... which is possible lol.
  10. Question though -- PW shows 0" for me on its 10:1 and Kuchera snow maps. But snow depth has me over 2". Does snow depth count sleet?
  11. Yeah I know its 9 days out... but there's just enough of a warm nose at 800mb that DCA mainly sits with sleet for the "event". Rest of the column is fine lol
  12. Nevertheless... its a frozen event for most Sunday afternoon into early Monday morning. Unfortunately it's mainly sleet and freezing rain, but we all will take what we can get ETA -- Pivotal suggests N MD near the M/D line sees some decent snow with a BRUTAL cutoff... 0" for me, 3" in DC... 8" in BWI FWIW
  13. h5 energy is pretty much going over us at 234. SLP in W PA. dryslot for most of us. Transfer off Ocean City by 240
  14. The HP is weakening slowly and moving north by 225. Sleety mess through 225 ETA -- Sleet storm still at 228... 1040 HP way up in N Quebec. EZF dancing with FRZ RN but RN is close by. 998mb SLP in OH
  15. 18z GFS is taking too long with developing the storm for next weekend. Stout HP is right where we need it going into the weekend in a perfect place though
  16. Mmmm yes Suarez... cry some more for me
  17. 12z GGEM has some arctic cold at the end of its run west of the Mississippi River behind what looks to be a future cutter at 240 looking at h5 I think with a 1034 HP up in Canada but I don't think that will save us... granted I am probably wrong lol This run of the GFS takes away our Dec 8-10 threat as the SLP manages to sneak through between one HP leaving and one incoming. Onto the ensembles though
  18. I know @CAPE doesn't like me doing this but I found this from the great @donsutherland1 in the NYC forum. Not sure where exactly he found it from... but still looks very nice
  19. I know this isn't exactly what you are asking for... but found this
  20. Alright, I will admit I have no idea who that is
  21. I think he has to go through @dendrite
  22. What do you mean? I see who likes/weenies/laughs at posts
  23. From the 06z GFS? Looked decent for the Dec 8-10 time frame. Very nice strong HP in Quebec at the same time, so not too concerned with precip type as shown
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