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Everything posted by yoda

  1. Hmmm... 12z UKMET is def north with its QPF and precip shield compared to the 00z run... .1" QPF should be somewhere around EZF or so
  2. It's way down by ILM at 72... its over
  3. Don't worry, by 12z tomorrow we can just about start using the 3km NAM lol
  4. Here's to hoping the 00z NAM nudges a little more north
  5. I echo this... while we complain up north, hope you guys are able to get into the action and get some good snow out of this storm.
  6. So 1-2 inches if SRs are good lol Meh, just seeing a dusting would be nice
  7. Maybe it will be right this year... Nah lol
  8. Interesting... taking 10:1 directly... EZF gets 2" of snow... SW portions of LWX CWA are WSW criteria (CHO/Harrisonburg/Staunton). Too bad its the 18z NAM at 84
  9. I think that is because of the giant bowling ball at h5 that appears in the Plains at 78?
  10. One can only wish and hope...
  11. Like 1-3" light stuff or around an inch?
  12. Looks like the southern s/w is a bit sharper at 72 with slightly more negative tilt? No? Not that it will matter up here. ..but just checking to see if what I am seeing is wrong or right...
  13. I hope you get 1 inch of moderation posts to deal with
  14. I'm going to lead to the precip shield expanding a bit... but I may be wrong
  15. Where did you get that info from?
  16. On the 12z GEFS individual members FWIW, through hour 120, 8 of the 20 get the 2" line right by DCA Compared to the 06z GEFS individual members through hr 126, 3 of the 20 got the 2" line right by DCA
  17. Snow accum map looks to get flurries to maybe to EZF... Staunton ~1" and CHO ~ 2"
  18. Doubtful, EURO will probably go even further south lol Or just to screw with us, be a minor hit
  19. Doesn't look like it through 78 with snow way down in S VA lol
  20. 00Z GGEM gets 1 inch line to DCA... 5 or 6 inch line is at EZF Yay
  21. Huh? Are you talking about the 12z one? Cause 00z went way south
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