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Everything posted by yoda

  1. Very nice look for NYE on 00z GFS... HP in perfect position for snow Looks intriguing for the next system as well Jan 2
  2. 56 yard FG by Tucker makes it 16-10... good game so far
  3. 00z GEFS snowfall mean through Day 10 is less than an inch for most of LWX CWA besides the usual upslope folks... 2.5" around DCA/along I95 corridor at Day 16 There are some weak to moderate hits smattered about in the GEFS between Days 8-14... so a weak signal is there for around NYE or slightly after
  4. 00z GFS shows some intrigue after New Years... Jan 2 with frozen to rain and then the oh so hilarious Jan 4 to 5 with an apparent huge backside snow shield when the SLP is up in ME at hr 336 lol... also some nice arctic cold on the last few days of teh 00z GFS in lala land 00z FV3 has a weak impulse looking thing for NYE which drops around an inch in the area... than quick frozen to rain Jan 2 with nothing much after 00z GGEM has nothing much besides the Dec 28 SLP that heads into the Great Lakes that makes us enjoy rain
  5. Is that a small hook on radarscope SW of Montclair?
  6. Pretty nice storm Jan 2-3 on 12z GFS... then another quick wave on the 4th but that one is too far south and weak... then maybe a lil something at the very end of the run? Anyway, 12z GFS looks nice starting just after New Year's
  7. 12z GFS starting the new year has a pretty potent cold shot entering the US into the Plains... -20s 2mT in MN at 288
  8. 12z CMC has the NYE storm... but its rain down here. Track is a bit NW of where we would like it... but its there. And there is a HP in concert moving across Quebec... but its too far north and the 850s/2mT are shot. But the storm is there though...
  9. Say what? 240 is cold enough for heavy snow Talking about the 27th storm And 240 is a change to rain for DCA looking at 850s
  10. For isolated damaging wind gusts or isolated tornado?
  11. Uh... TVS sig in E Loudoun county on radarscope... Now by Chantilly... ETA: both gone now
  12. @high risk From the updated evening AFD from LWX:
  13. Those look pretty nice... did the other half of the EPS members just not have that many pretty colors as this half does?
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