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Everything posted by yoda

  1. EPS is south of the OP Euro... but there are some members that look like the OP FWIW
  2. 168 raining in most of VA. Mix along i81 corridor. Snow in W MD (pretty much west of HGR) and S PA
  3. Hmmm... 00z Euro has a 1006mb SLP in extreme SW VA at 168...
  4. You know someone in Loudoun County would be complaining
  5. 00z CMC is a hit as well, but best snows in C to S VA
  6. FWIW, 00z ICON is a miss to the south for the 6th. S VA into parts of C VA do well
  7. If the 12z GFS went out another day, would that h5 look be good or bad for us?
  8. Which then deepens to 981mb offshore at 234
  9. Am I wrong to think that the SLP off the SE coast would have come further north if a badly timed piece of energy at h5 didn't come flying into MN at 216 on the 12z GFS?
  10. Seems like it makes our Jan 4-6 threat disappear on this run because it slowly bombs out in the ATL
  11. I thought @weatherwiz was in FL, not MT
  12. Didnt do much... but that was an interesting end to the 00z EURO
  13. The ridge out west is a bit too far west so it allows the SLP to track closer to us.
  14. Pretty impressive that the GFS has been honing in on the Jan 4-6 period for our first "real" winter threat for quite awhile now. 00z GFS continues that tonight Ends up being a rainer for most... but the threat window is there and that's all we can take for now
  15. It's a weird look tbh... 48 hours of precip MD into S PA clean up well
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