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Everything posted by yoda

  1. 12z GGEM shuts down ME lol re snowfall map
  2. https://mageval.ncep.noaa.gov/model-guidance-model-area.php
  3. And its not some 1030-1032mb HP.... its in the low 1040s on this GFS run
  4. CMC looks like a hit for the eastern parts of the LWX CWA
  5. looks like 3-5 for DCA... i81 corridor/C MD/N MD gets crushed on IWM snow maps
  6. 150 1000mb or so SLP just SE of ACY
  7. 147 1006mb SLP just SE of Ocean City
  8. Transfer nearly complete at 141... 144 SLP near ORF
  9. A stout 1040 HP in Quebec at 138... we shall see how that blocks the primary
  10. We just need a slight shift north... I am sure that we can collectively move the NS vort north 50 miles
  11. Reason it's out to 198 is because member e12 takes the storm out that long
  12. 156 snowfall mean at DCA is around an inch... 180/186 its close to 5 inches... some major hits in there
  13. Don't mind this look at all from the 00z GEFS at 384
  14. 00z GEFS snowfall mean makes a decent jump from 156 to 180
  15. 00z UKIE at 144 for now... will have to wait a lil for weathermodels to catch up on QPF and the such
  16. Can't tell how much the thump is though
  17. Snow to rain to snow is okay... as long as the most accumulated snow is on the CCB IMO
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