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Everything posted by yoda

  1. 18z GEFS indiv ensembles through 144 16 including the Control give DCA 2"+ 11 including the Control give DCA 6"+
  2. You can find the FV3 much faster here: http://mag.ncep.noaa.gov/model-guidance-model-area.php Click on GFS... it is the FV3 on there
  3. Sorry to hear that. Wish you a happier afternoon and a heavy snow shower
  4. While that sucks re the QPF, I think we can all handle accepting 2-4... well, except Ji
  5. One snowflake in Ji's yard
  6. Only came up since Ji claimed it was 6" after being upset that the GEFS mean showed 4-5
  7. Fauquier has announced it will be closed tomorrow in preparation
  8. Start with the lowest shade of blue bordering the dark gray. That is the 2" line. Each line you pass as you move toward DC is an increase of 0.5"
  9. Worse than its 00z run... then again, it never really was in favor of this storm anyway
  10. Is it bad that I just spit out my water laughing at this?
  11. Violently agree. 2-4 would be great overall. I like the 12z runs so far. Very nice
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