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Everything posted by yoda

  1. I think we all would enjoy what the CMC is cooking Day 9 and on... and I believe it would be one of 40/70's big storm he has called for in his winter outlook. By the way, check 18z GEFS at 252... support is there A bit different look... but 00z GFS also hitting the Jan 20 date hard
  2. Bob posted it in the other thread... but 18z GEFS were on board
  3. Looks like there is a banana high going on too... one in W MN and one in E Quebec... both around 1040
  4. 00z CMC has @showmethesnow storm on the 20th as the run ends
  5. @Bob Chill and @psuhoffman When would be the last time to use the ensembles like the GEFS or EPS? Tonights 00z runs?
  6. 18z FV3 looks great for Jan 23-24 storm
  7. I think a good range should be 2-4 inches. Full stop. If we get more, great. If we get less, that sucks... but its accumulating snow finally. No one should be expecting something like 8 inches
  8. And it ends up being good lol
  9. Strongly agree. I know it's getting near the end of the usefulness for the ensembles... but GEFS should be real interesting
  10. 00z GFS isn't super bad though... except for near Mason-Dixon line... @Bob Chill post above agrees with this image
  11. GFS looks a lil better to me h5 wise comparing 00z at 48 to 18z at 54
  12. General 2-3" across most of the area... 1-2 down towards EZF and CHO through 84
  13. It does make the jump at 84 fwiw... looks to be in the midst of transferring I believe
  14. 1-3 or 2-4 is a fine low hedge to me https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2019/01/09/light-moderate-snowfall-is-likely-this-weekend/?fbclid=IwAR28Um7bZsY10RQMOYLZYiV-SJo2fQOTrTbOIVmMYMNF-35wujzcDbo6SuY&utm_term=.eb8970775287 Looks like they went 2-4
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