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Everything posted by yoda

  1. I was using weathermodels for the snow accums so I think most of it is snow
  2. I dunno... if you read the 646pm one it says 5.6".... so I guess its 5.6" new?
  3. It happens because of the SLP track. Its happened before
  4. Through 144 has some QPF, mainly in WV and west of i81 more towards Alleghany Front... 150 its gone. No real QPF outside the zones mentioned at 144
  5. Really close though... 114 has 2mTs of 40s along i95 with freezing line back along or just west of i81... at 120 everyone is between 15-25 degrees
  6. Euro should be a good hit looking at 96.. waiting for 108-120
  7. Snow map has 1-2" for Loudoun/FFX/PW/Charles... everyone else around an inch
  8. 12z UKMET has a 0.3-0.4 marker over N VA/DC at 114 as 6 hr precip total... waiting to see if that's just rain or if it has some snow in it
  9. Or you could just look for yourself https://mageval.ncep.noaa.gov/model-guidance-model-parameter.php?group=Model Guidance&model=gfs&area=namer&cycle=20190125 12 UTC&param=precip_p12&fourpan=no&imageSize=M&ps=area&fhr_mode=image&loop_start=-1&loop_end=-1
  10. 12z FV3 looks decent Tues/Tues night from what I can tell
  11. Would this do anything (the 1003mb SLP on the TX/OK border) in later frames if the 12z UKIE went out further? I assume confluence would keep the SLP from going north or west of us, right?
  12. Probably nothing here... but 12z UKMET has a SLP over NO at 96 and then over BOS at 120
  13. If you count Miller B as being over SNE inland near VT at 120 lol
  14. TT shows rain 12z to 18z... then snow 18z to 00z. quite possible what you have is correct though
  15. We also know that GGEM can't be right for Tues/Wed since it drives the SLP into SNE and rains up there
  16. Ji has been the one trying to take my job the past few days though lol
  17. High temps of 5 to 15 across the region for next Thursday
  18. GGEM actually is an i95 and east hit lol... better in SE VA
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