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Everything posted by yoda

  1. 00z FV3 looks like 0.1 to 0.25 QPF for the Friday deal. Looking at the 24 hr QPF map from hr 71 to hr 105
  2. Fairfax and Prince William already closing 2 hours early tomorrow
  3. Also note the extreme omega in the DGZ per the soundings as well. I have that right, yes?
  4. Check out the soundings on that squall line in N MD on the 3k
  5. WUSA9 saying 1-3 for DC Metro possible https://www.wusa9.com/article/weather/forecast/snow-for-tuesday-evening-commute-how-much-and-what-it-means-for-roads/65-f729a838-1067-401b-a864-3c1cbb341b72
  6. 12z CMC has a quick hitter Friday night... only around an inch or so though
  7. @Scraff and @nj2va might know something as well
  8. Very impressive with the snow squalls on Wednesday chance... check out the 12z 3km NAM for N MD as one of the few squalls moves through. Note the extreme DGZ
  9. @GEOS5ftw Shows what looks like 1" per hour rates too looking at the snow accums map from hours 45 to 48
  10. Zoom in on DCA and you will see a tiny 10mm marker lol
  11. 00z UKIE bullseyes DCA at 48 with QPF... will be a few to see what's rain and what's snow. Total QPF looks near 0.5"
  12. 00Z GFS looks nice to me... QPF field looks a bit better
  13. I did mention the 70 next week in another thread
  14. 3 to 5 inches across N VA and DC into MD... nice. Using the TT snow map fwiw for that. Hope it keeps it up
  15. Lol 18z GFS pushing 70 in parts of VA on Monday Feb 4th with mid 60s for most
  16. That looks like great omega in the DGZ? Or am I reading that wrong?
  17. The models took away his snow lol. Funny how he complains so much and sort of gets away with it cause it's Ji
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