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Everything posted by yoda

  1. Violently agree. Going for a walk to get lunch shortly
  2. Anybody have a 12z FV3 snow map? TT doesn't have the 12z run and the usual site that we use (the MAG site) doesn't have accumulation snow totals... I don't see one on weathermodels or truewx...
  3. Here is the great snowmap for the 12z UKIE... ofc take with a grain of salt lol
  4. 12z UKMET is snow through probably 123 or so for DCA. At 126, 0c 850 line is just north of DCA but just south of BWI/HGR and C MD to the M/D line. Temps are in the upper 20s for most through 123... then rise to 30 at 126... and around 32 give or take a degree at 129/132 and sit there for the rest of the run
  5. FV3 is another big hit... 0c 850 line crosses through DCA at 129... by that time, precip is shutting off. 2mT are fine through 132/133 ETA: But there is a weak system right behind it and brings some rain to the region
  6. Thump through 120.. snow line still down by EZF
  7. I know, but have to be honest with what it shows lol... Wes gets 6" of snow to ice to drizzle
  8. I95 S and E may sneak above freezing by 135... but by that time, precip is mostly done
  9. 12z ICON is another big hit... snowmaps impressive considering its the ICON
  10. 1 to 2 inches for EZF... "jackpot" is around and to the SW of CHO
  11. Not liking that the confluence is slightly stronger through 32
  12. Well that's because I am a huge Penguins fan and hate the Caps lol
  13. FWIW, 12z CMC is basically 1-2" from EZF to the M/D line
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