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Everything posted by yoda

  1. 00z ICON looks like snow to ice to dryslot... maybe light rain for an hour or two S and E of i95
  2. Nice Euro run... 6 to 10 for most looking at the snow map then some ice on top
  3. Snowing at DCA at 108 (12z Wednesday) already on 00z Euro
  4. 00z UKIE is major thump to ice to light rain/drizzle
  5. That is a problem to be honest... as mentioned by a few on here earlier, slower isn't good, we want fast
  6. How's that north trend for tomorrow looking? Asking for a friend...
  7. DCA sits at 32 for 117 and 120... I guess light freezing rain
  8. ICON gets rid of the high too quickly... snow at 108 turns to wintry mix by 114
  9. I wonder though if it's not doing CAD long enough? Still... it's a good run outside of the rain lol
  10. Upper 20s to around 30? At 132 the 32 degree line is basically paralleling I 95 just to its east
  11. Thanks and good to see you posting again. Ice on top of that for a glacier would be fun... as long as its not like half an inch
  12. How much ice we talking about on top of the snow? Like a quarter inch?
  13. Link to those who want to see https://mobile.twitter.com/islivingston/status/1096475786088009728
  14. That is nice to see. Nice 12z suite across the board pretty much. Ji though may complain about how much snow the EURO prints out on this run though lol compared to the 00z run
  15. Hmmmm... 120 has a 1034 HP in N NY/Quebec and 1006mb SLP in W TN
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