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Everything posted by yoda

  1. Sounding at 18z at DCA looks isothermal up at 700mb... so just barely hanging on to snow if its pounding IMO
  2. So you aren't going to be posting anymore about the storm? Nice
  3. If we can keep the heavy rates, I think we can hold off the flip until 18z
  4. Ripping snow at 16z WED in DCA at the very end of the 22z HRRR
  5. But you said trending to non event?
  6. 18z GFS is colder through 24 as said above... 18z tomorrow is much better for just about everyone
  7. Lol https://mobile.twitter.com/ericfisher/status/1097958243819835394
  8. I have no problem with it and understand the maps.
  9. BWI: 3.5" IAD: 4.8" DCA: 3.2" RIC: 1.0" Tie: 1.13"
  10. Please let LWX know immediately so that you can fix it
  11. Nope... it all snow Just gets going too late for us... ofc
  12. If there was an EF4 tornado through DC, he would complain how it wasn't an EF5 and how it was weak
  13. Would this mean an earlier start or heavier precip at the start due to increased banding? If it meant something?
  14. 12z HRPDS brings a "squall line" I guess through 18z to 21z... I95 corridor and to the N and W are still below freezing at 22z
  15. 12z HRDPS 0.35 to 0.40 QPF all snow for DCA through 14z WED
  16. 12z HRDPS is crushing DC metro at 12z WED with 8mm/hr
  17. FWIW, 15z HRRR at the end of its run begins snow in DCA around 8z WED... CHO around 5z WED
  18. FWIW, which is probably next to nothing, the 12z CMC looks better if we are to believe the snow maps lol
  19. Pretty much everyone is rain between 21z WED and 00z THUR besides the mountains out west and to the NW on the 12z GFS
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