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Everything posted by yoda

  1. 18z GFS is very nice... 2 to 4 for all just about Ninja'd by WxUSAF
  2. 12z FV3 looks close to what the GFS says
  3. Cold rain for most... perhaps snow for W MD into parts of C MD and for those along M/D line per 12z GFS
  4. 00z UKIE looks almost exactly like the 00z RGEM if you believe the snowmap
  5. 00z run is actually a lil better for DC and N VA compared to 18z... the HRDPS that is
  6. 00z GFS slightly warmer... best chance of snows out towards i81 and western Maryland
  7. Kuchera is actually a tad higher FWIW
  8. Only thing I can see right away is def higher heights out in front comparing 00z at 78 hours to 18z at 84 hours on the h5 map (look at the 552DM and 558DM lines)
  9. The mag website had the 2mT line pretty close by and the 850 0c line stayed just south of DC... most be warm layers elsewhere. Still, pretty close to a big hit
  10. 06z GFS was around an inch for some... FV3 is a solid 2" for many across the region
  11. Surprised Ji hasn't been posting about the 00z Euro being a disaster for Sunday into Monday... nice large rainstorm
  12. FV3 likes the Monday threat and doesn't like the midweek one
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