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Everything posted by yoda

  1. On and off rotation marker showing up S of CHO near Dillwyn
  2. Yeah, I was looking at radarscope and had storm relative velocity on and there was a bunch of red and green together... figured it was nothing
  3. It did... is it the outer range of the LWX radar that Lexington has so much red and green combined?
  4. 3km NAM had more of a line sweeping in from the west... HRRR had more of a "discrete storm" picture IMO
  5. Rotation marker on the Appomattox storm on radarscope
  6. @wasnow215 Tornado watch coming for you soon per SPC MCD just issued
  7. Def looks like there is some rotation down by Appomattox? Or am I wrong?
  8. I'd start watching the storms in SW VA... looks like things are moving more NEward now... some storms are firing ETA: and just as I post that... STW pops up just east of LYH... that's the one to watch IMO as it heads NE
  9. Is there a storm out by Middleburg? Radarscope had a rotation marker out there and what looks to be a few lightning strike markers too
  10. Trees and wires blown down in Greenbrier County in WV per LWX SWS
  11. I was guessing two hours from where the line was... it could be more. The line was beginning to move more NE than E
  12. I'm guessing that will be the line we will be waiting for in the next two hours or so
  13. The line in WV moving east and northeast is currently being warned for winds to 70mph
  14. It might in a lil while when the LLJ strengthens some more across the region and when the CF gets closer
  15. STW NE Loudoun and SW Frederick till 7pm... poss tor wording as well
  16. Yeah just read the warning... haven't seen that before from LWX
  17. 50/20 tor probs... decent. Also from watch discussion for our area through tonight:
  18. Mesoscale Discussion 0347 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0350 PM CDT Sun Apr 14 2019 Areas affected...Areas near/east of the Blue Ridge of North Carolina into Virginia Concerning...Tornado Watch 62... Valid 142050Z - 142215Z The severe weather threat for Tornado Watch 62 continues. SUMMARY...The risk for supercells potentially capable of producing tornadoes continues, and could increase at least a bit further through 6-7 PM EDT. Trends will also continue to be monitored for northward development toward the northern Virginia vicinity, which may require an additional severe weather watch. DISCUSSION...A zone of enhanced near/surface warm advection and convergence to the lee of the Blue Ridge mountains may remain a focus for discrete thunderstorm development across North Carolina into Virginia through the 22-23Z time frame. Aided by peak boundary layer instability associated with daytime heating (including CAPE up to 1000 J/kg), a few supercells are possible, in the presence of strong low-level and deep layer vertical shear. The Rapid refresh suggests that southwesterly 850 mb flow may continue to strengthen in excess of 50 kt, contributing to further enlargement of low-level hodographs and perhaps increasing tornadic potential. ..Kerr.. 04/14/2019 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...AKQ...LWX...RAH...RNK...GSP...
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