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Everything posted by yoda

  1. @dendrite just added it looks like
  2. A EF0 tornado was confirmed by LWX on Halloween near Timberville https://mobile.twitter.com/NWS_BaltWash/status/1192605073102098432?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^embeddedtimeline|twterm^profile%3ANWS_BaltWash|twgr^363937393b70726f64756374696f6e&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.weather.gov%2Flwx%2F
  3. We abscond with that. I would take an inch of snow in a heartbeat in mid-November
  4. EPS looked a lil better for snow prospects than the OP IMO
  5. lol Day 9/10 on the 00z CMC... if we could only get that during the winter months with a HP in place...
  6. Even if you just look at the positive snow-depth change map instead of the 10:1 snow map... its a nice 2-4" area wide
  7. 3 to 6 inches is fine with me on the 10:1 snow clown map on TT
  8. 1007 mb SLP near TAL in FL Panhandle at 144... snow in NW portions of LWX CWA... mixture reaching i95 corridor
  9. Looks like 12z GFS is going to go the way of the 06z GFS... frozen precip breaking out in OK/NW AR and into MO at hour 120... More frozen precip than the 06z and 00z showed at the same time though as well
  10. I missed the Euro snow map from 12z... as long as i get an inch, you're free to get 6" lol
  11. So we going with the CMC/EURO combination for Tuesday?
  12. 12z UKMET looks a lil interesting at Day 6
  13. What... no WSWatches in November? You don't believe in the CMC? #faithintheflakes
  14. Guess we don't have to worry about Ji posting it
  15. Just me, or does Day 10 (as usual on the Euro lol) have potential?
  16. Might be a stupid question... but does the end of the week system up in SNE affect our chance of snow down here at the beginning of next week? Case in point the 12z Euro crushes parts of the NE... would that make the threat for us less or more? Or is there no affect at all?
  17. 12z CMC has snowfall for the northern third of the LWX CWA... but its a late Tuesday into Wednesday "event" next week instead of the Monday/Tuesday the other models are showing
  18. FWIW, 12z ICON at the very end of its run has some snow falling in SW VA/S WV area moving NE... 1-2" down there at the very end of its run... so possibly on board with GFS and EURO
  19. LWX is no longer issuing Freeze Warnings for anyone in the CWA until next Spring... saying growing season is over for all
  20. Yay models are back to being an hour earlier Looks like 00z EURO says just kidding about the snow (@weathafella mentioned it already in the SNE forum)
  21. Is it just me... or this would look good come December?
  22. Get that N Plains HP here faster or farther east and we're good
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