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Everything posted by yoda

  1. 00z 3k NAM looks colder than the 00z 12km NAM FWIW
  2. lol the 00z 12km NAM snow map is hilarious
  3. 00z NAM at 45 (21z MON) says frozen precip still ongoing in C MD/N VA/NW VA ETA: Still frozen in NW VA at 03z TUES lol
  4. 06z ICON also pushed south as well... gets snow or frozen into N VA and DC metro from 06z to around 15z MON 32 degree line sits in N MD till 06z TUES
  5. Both NAMs moved south again at 06z... 12km NAM more interested than the 3k NAM with the frozen precip... 12k NAM run likely overdone but pretty nice for MDers
  6. 00z GFS has a large cutoff h5 low Day 9 into Day 11 off the coast of CA lol ETA: still there Day 12
  7. 00z CMC came south some... delivers some frozen precip to N VA/MD Monday morning
  8. You can tell there has been a south shift (or maybe it was just better press of cold air) on the 10:1 snow maps (yes I know they suck) when you compare the 12z 84 map to the 18z 78 map and then to the 00z 72 one
  9. 00z GFS has a better cold press it appears at 12z MON with frozen precip into C VA... but quickly warms to rain for all by 18z MON
  10. 00z 3km NAM through 60 has a snow band cross into W and C MD early Monday morning... and then thats it as the run ends
  11. 00z NAM laughs at everyone as it shows... nothing... maybe a quick band that blows by into PA
  12. Just look for the blue and green combo... thats the 0C line
  13. I remember that.... but I had my weather radio handy that night next to me. I had no idea about weather boards or internet yet... i was in 8th grade... i remember hearing all the forecasts about how we were going to get only a dusting in DC if we were lucky and I think it was Bob Ryan on NBC at the time at like 6pm was like its going to be close, but not this time for us... i went to bed with my weather radio next to me listening to it over and over hoping something would change... then the tell tale "beeeeeeep" noise that came on when a warning was issued... i believe the first warning issued by LWX was for 3-6/4-8 inches... i remember running downstairs to tell my dad and he was like uh huh sure... sure enough, 11pm news came on and there was the huge changes in how much snow was forecasted for us and the rest is history lol I was in West Springfield in Fairfax County where I still live at the time
  14. Just surprised people would be drinking already at 8 am lol
  15. 12z is a little early to be drinking lol
  16. A cold rain thread? Looks like an i70 and North threat tbh
  17. its been showing up on the GEFS and I believe some members of the EPS as well
  18. Transfer ongoing at 216... new SLP south of ILM developing 222 transfer almost done... 1000mb SLP right near ILM 228 transfer looks done... 999mb still in same place lol
  19. 00z GFS at 210 -- 1007mb SLP in south central TN while 1043 HP is sitting in Quebec right where we want it to be
  20. 198 looks nice to me... 1010mb SLP in SW AL... 1044mb HP sitting nicely in Quebec...
  21. I like what I am seeing at 186... nice 1040+ HP...
  22. Ah yes... the double false start... that'll get 'em to jump lol
  23. Def south push on tonights 00z GFS... doesn't seem to do much for us... but you can see the trend -- this is for Monday into Monday night before the rain that is
  24. Fauquier used to hold the title... PWCS now does apparently lol
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