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Everything posted by yoda

  1. 12z EURO suggesting 2-3 inches of rain upcoming... turrible
  2. Samsonov left practice early thanks to Ovechkin hitting him up high... not expected to be serious at all but Vanecek called up for tonight
  3. Whoops as well... if it's too late for Feb than it's too late... but here's my entry if its accepted with all penalties of being way late of course DCA +1.6 NYC +1.0 BOS -0.2 ORD -1.7 ATL +3.1 IAH +1.0 DEN -2.9 PHX -1.2 SEA -2.8
  4. Lol basically no accumulation unless you are in N MD
  5. Ah, a nice Penguins win, scoring 4 on Samsonov to give him his first loss at home.
  6. We did... we already celebrated See you Sunday with Holtby in goal
  7. And Ottawa answers right back with a PPG to make it 4-3 And Crosby scores the OT winner to beat Philly 4-3
  8. Found this to be pretty cool - https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/01/30/nasa-uplinks-final-command-to-deactivate-spitzer-telescope/ And I had never heard of "frame-dragging" till I read this article -- https://www.discovermagazine.com/the-sciences/a-white-dwarf-swirling-space-time-around-it-allows-astronomers-brand-new
  9. lol the Caps play so much different when Samsonov is in goal than when Holtby is Case in point, look at period 1 vs NSH and period 1 vs OTT
  10. 18z GFS just shows how bad winter has been for most of us for the Feb 7th storm
  11. Don't know why you guys keep sending Holtby out there as goalie... it's like you need 4+ goals to win if he's in goal
  12. Ian, Zwyts, Wes, Bob Chill (see his posts from last winter); ers-wxmann posts basically only when there is a snow chance now... there's others that I can't think of off the top of my head right now
  13. I know, and I don't blame you. You are doing the best you can.
  14. I thought banter went in the banter thread... I guess not anymore. @H2O and @mappy -- sorry you two have to deal with all that crap in the main thread... no wonder we lose good posters and have the ones we still have just not post
  15. You need northern stream interaction with this storm. On the 12z UKIE, as has been discussed above, there was none. Its 40 and rain as RJay described above. Too much northern stream, it gets crushed. Not enough, and its a nice warm system with cold rain. There is no real arctic or cold air present before the storm comes up the coast, no real HP in play either. So what Allsnow/RJay/PB-99 are saying are correct, you need a thread the needle type storm here if you want snow. And its even worse of a chance for me down south.
  16. I tried deleting the post a second after I hit submit but yugo kept replying to it Once Yugi-Oh (or another poster) clicks reply to a post made above, it stays in the post even if you delete it seconds later
  17. Upper 30s to near 40 degrees and raining at DCA at 114-120 for UKIE... total QPF for DCA is 0.25-0.30... more towards the Eastern Shore
  18. Yeah, but its southern stream driven with little northern stream interaction is what I am seeing in the SNE thread... which def would suggest problems
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