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Everything posted by yoda

  1. How's that future pattern looking?
  2. If I see snow at all from this system, I will donate $200 to the board @stormtracker ETA - i will also accept snow reports from Fairfax County as well... as my work/sleep schedule may cause me to miss snow falling if it does
  3. Sure... the "favored areas" could see snow aka west of i81 corridor into the Alleghenies... but it needs a lot of work east of there. DCA is near 40 at that hour
  4. Laughed I did. Admit this, I will
  5. Read the bluewave and allsnow interaction and posts on page 58 --
  6. Its going to be funny watching the usual complaints once again soon... "oh if only there was a 50/50 then we could have had a snowstorm!" "If only we had cold air! Wherever could it be?" "The blocking that was advertised seemed to have vanished again, how can this be?" "The pattern at h5 looked AWESOMESAUCE1!!!111 How could it have failed us?11? I'm tired of seeing all the great looks and shit over and over and over and over. Time for the models to put up or shut up. We saw the awesome looks at h5 last winter and what happened? We were basically shut out of any snow. We passed it off because oh it was a LA NINA winter lulz. Fuck that shit. Over and over again the PAC jet has won out no matter what the models are showing besides a few instances. Prove me wrong ensembles. But I am just about willing to bet money that DCA will see 2" or less of snow for the rest of the month.
  7. Lol. If you went into other forums you would see others doing the same. Allsnow. 40/70 Benchmark. Bluewave. Terpeast. Even psuhoffman was getting frustrated
  8. Fine. I can't wait for the posts over the next few weeks trying to explain how these awesome looking pictures somehow failed us
  9. Where did the mega 50/50 magically run off to on your post above? Blocking is weaker. NAO weaker. Several runs showed this. Now it's gone. So that's why it's right to be concerned
  10. My post showed the 00z EPS Day 10-15 h5. There was nothing nice about it. No PNA ridge, no 50/50... cutoff about to slam into the West which will raise heights into the Plains...
  11. @andyhb FWIW... saw this after reading your post above and thought you would like to see it
  12. PD storm chance on the 00z EURO just peters out as it gets to our region... but there's barely any snow anyway with the entire system
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