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Everything posted by yoda

  1. This is DT... he's woofing lol... Dec 8 to 15 time period (week 3) of the Euro weeklies from last night https://mobile.twitter.com/wxrisksecs1/status/1332539832367779846 DT again... different tweet about the big 4 teleconnections in support of the tweet I linked to above https://mobile.twitter.com/wxrisksecs1/status/1332539592810115075
  2. Capital Weather Gang... Ian and Matt and a few others who post here are part of it. Run by Jason Samenow I believe
  3. Yes its him... but interesting nonetheless. CWG liked the post too FWIW https://mobile.twitter.com/judah47/status/1332326918964842496
  4. Going to be interesting to see if there is a PPD... especially after sources said that one of the strength and conditioning coaches wasn't wearing a mask properly/at all at times in the building and didn't report his symptoms... he was suspended by the team
  5. Must be a tryptophan dream seeing Washington leading 34-16 late ETA: Now 41-16 after a interception return for a TD lol
  6. Who is this football team playing right now?
  7. yeah yeah Day 10 on tonight's 00z EURO... but still... looks noice to me
  8. lulz... 00z GGEM says no snow for you, while the 00z EURO decides to go with a southern slider (re Dec 4-6). However, the 850s are cold enough Days 8-10
  9. Though... Day 8-10 looks quite serviceable to me looking up top. Probably wrong... but looks like a nice PNA ridge where we want it by Day 10 with high heights in Greenland and looks like some decent blocking? Or am I confusing things?
  10. 00z EURO was better... but still too late and inland for most of us -- re Dec 5 threat. At 216 SLP is down by the AL/GA/FL border trifecta at 1003mb... at 240 its 981mb SLP is right near PHL. Makes me think EPS should have a few snowy solutions tonight
  11. 6-8 along i95 corridor But... the heaviest snowfall is overnight Thursday and its 9 days away... so maybe
  12. hmmm... from the 00z EURO this is... days 9 and 10 h5 map of North America
  13. Week away from December, we are. Need a thread to discuss beginning of winter we do, yes yes. Mmmmm... Snow will it? Cold enough will it be? Discuss you must... or the Dark Side, win it will with rain and warm weather, yes yes
  14. LWX still hitting early next week hard in the AFD this morning:
  15. Barring a last second storm... I think we can close the books on this record hurricane season and actually turn out the lights... finally lol
  16. Anybody else watching the Sunday/Monday time period of next week? Looks mighty interesting re severe chances and rain-wise... and maybe winds too... even LWX in their afternoon AFD have been highlighting it
  17. Am I suffering from "missed snowitis"... or does Day 10 on the EURO tonight look... interesting for us if it went out just a lil farther?
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