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Everything posted by yoda

  1. Snow knocking on door at DCA at 198 on 00z Euro
  2. @griteater in the SE forum on why Euro moved off NC coast and didn't give us a hit this run (he explained it well so I borrowed it to post in here)
  3. I did like the 00z GEFS h5 though... pretty weenie look IMO
  4. Euro is a southern slider... good for NW NC into maybe the rest of NC
  5. Do you just pick random storm dates?
  6. I'll take the 00z runs of the CMC and the UKIE lol
  7. Swing and a miss on the 00z Euro for this weekend (Jan 8/9 chance)
  8. 00z UKIE looks intriguing at 144 on h5 and precip map
  9. Found this tidbit in the SE forum... h/t @griteater
  10. Then a nice major snowstorm on the 12th/13th on the 06z GFS for most west of i95... track is a bit too far inland, but nice HP in place in Quebec... just change a few things and we all enjoy
  11. 06z GFS has a SE VA/NE NC special next weekend
  12. Euro has the SLP for the 8th... but it's a runner up the Delmarva and most if us are rain
  13. Looks like 00z CMC is going to miss south of us for right now for the 8th... fine by me. Gets crushed because of what happens in NE Canada at h5
  14. I have a bunch of screenshots from the models leading up to that storm too on my computer somewhere... pretty sure there was a DGEX run where a 70+ inch marker showed up. Might have been at IAD on the Cobb data though
  15. 06z 3k NAM kinda agrees as well
  16. RE 00z Euro: Get that HP to be a bit stronger and a bit further south SLP track and the 7th/8th becomes a very nice hit for most. As it stands now... N and W of the cities do pretty well
  17. @George BM is going to be unhappy with you lol
  18. That 2mT looks more like a hit of cold rain tbh
  19. When was last time LWX issued ISWs?
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