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Everything posted by yoda

  1. 216 has a 1003mb SLP in C AL and a 1001mb SLP in W MI... its like it split in two after having 1 SLP at 192
  2. yay light blue at 198 on 0z EURO to wintry mix at 204
  3. Yes... but it doesnt help to have a 1050mb HP pressing down into the Central Plains... confluence crushes it all
  4. Looks like a west based Baffin Bay block in LR GFS tonight
  5. Ji would complain of no cold air and post the temp maps... now the arctic air shows up and no blue for Ji
  6. With a 1050mb HP just north of ND at 264... nothing is going to amplify for us IMO... cold air will crush it
  7. I am looking at the wave behind it at 186... let's see if the energy gets kicked out
  8. DS or FC? I'm an LA at DDC3... started in May. Work 25 to 30 hours a week... mainly Sat to Wed 5pm to 10pm. Picked it up because I got bored having to stay at home lol. Original job was working as an office admin at a private school. Still go in once in a while, but can do much of it from home right now
  9. Lol suppressed... barely any precip makes it to even EZF
  10. Looks like it kicks it out at 168... decent confluence ahead
  11. And GFS just crushed the wave south due to the crushing confluence looks like... 180 looked fine lol... for now
  12. Sounds pretty good. I will admit that I am not a big alcohol drinker -- and I don't drink anything that's heavily carbonated really cause I just don't like it lol (don't drink any sodas or beers... will do wine once in a while)... are stouts lightly carbonated? The bolded sounds pretty good since I used to get those types of drinks from Starbucks (minus the alcohol ofc). Since I live in N VA... would I have to travel up there pick up a few of those?
  13. Boo the Caps... boooooo Going to be interesting to see how Chara fits in on the defense Never had a stout before... are they any good? Like that drink looks pretty good
  14. Is it bad that this is one of the first memes that I think of when I see Ji post about blue/snow... and complain that there is none?
  15. If the blocking is a bit stronger, we could lock in to a better solution... as is, as said above, 1"-3" is better than nothing right now
  16. 2-4" N VA north for Day 7/8 before changes to light rain at 180 for most on 12z EURO today
  17. Def moving the SW s/w energy out at 144 on 12z EURO... its at least 200 miles further northeast comparing to the 00z run at 156
  18. 12z EURO is holding h5 energy back at 120 in the SW again
  19. We are pretty much in a "close the blinds" pattern till at least Jan 21st IMO. As others have mentioned above, its going to take a little bit for the Rex Block to get into the place where we would like to see it at and get the Pacific to calm down. If you are expecting the models to have the right idea on when we are going to get snow... forget it.
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