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Everything posted by yoda

  1. 7" 12z EPS mean DC metro
  2. Diamond hands? Much wow?
  3. Ukie also has no wraparound snow at all like the other models have. After 81 it's done
  4. 12z UKIE nudged souther looks like
  5. Reminder before it gets asked - WSWatches are only issued up to 48 hours in advance. So... we shouldn't expect to see one until tomorrow morning
  6. 12z CMC all snow for DC metro
  7. Snow comes in hot and heavy around 2am Monday DC metro on 12z CMC
  8. WSWarning criteria is my goal. Anything more is gravy
  9. It's basically isothermal... maybe like a few tenths above 0c
  10. There'd probably also be another few hours of snow after the end of the 12z RGEM FWIW... I'd guess 3 to 6 more hours looking at h5
  11. Deutschland Deutschland Uber alles!
  12. Mod to heavy snow across the region 12z Mon on at 72 on 12z icon
  13. Surface temps in the mid 20s are nice though
  14. Probably another 6 hours of snow I would guess
  15. Comes in hot and heavy though at 09z
  16. 12z NAM sure is slow... barely snowing in VA at 06z Mon
  17. 06z Euro nudged souther again
  18. Zoomed in PW Kuchera 06z GFS
  19. I will accept hr 90 as well @CAPE
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