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Everything posted by yoda

  1. 994mb SLP in W OK panhandle at 84 995mb extreme S KS at 90
  2. I just realized after all the gif and meme posting that I haven't seen @Midlo Snow Maker in awhile... he would post awesome gifs as well. I think the kids bday party gif was is... or was that yours too @stormtracker?
  3. Tottenham? Please... MU is where its at
  4. Thanks @stormtracker btw for that gif on teh last page... I'm pretty sure that came from you
  5. Thanks a lot... now my computer screen is full of water
  6. I am willing to bet the OP will be on teh extreme high end lol... but I am hoping majority are at least warning level
  7. Great... so Ji will be complaining at 00z when he loses 20 inches
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