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Everything posted by yoda

  1. Fauquier County Public Schools are closed
  2. The euro is all alone on an island man. And its close to its wheelhouse although the transfer to NC is still 120 hours out per q2z run. Um CMC was pretty close to the Euro
  3. https://collaboration.cmc.ec.gc.ca/cmc/cmdn/pcpn_type/pcpn_type_gem_reg.html Make sure to change it to the current run though of 00z 1-28
  4. Lol CMC is 8 to 14 inches and Ji isn't happy with it
  5. I'd join... but we'd have to watch the Penguins on TV And that would be a bit if a drive for me in all actuality, even though I've been on the board for years... never met anyone outside of the board... I'll have to do it eventually lol
  6. At my second job at Amazon the OPS staff know I'm a big weather nerd and the such. Just got asked as I got off work if we were going to see snow starting Sunday and how much because they had heard it in the news and saw it online. Also a certain amount closes the building for the day (they didn't say how much... I guess 6" at least) I had to quickly hedge cause someone mentioned the European model showing a foot of snow and the American models showing half that... so I just said we shall see, that it was too early to tell and see you all on Saturday and ran out lol. They did like that the European showing a foot though lol
  7. Are you on chess.com? I haven't played on there in a while... but maybe we could get a game going? If you want to that is
  8. Ji will be able to shovel for you lol
  9. That's what I figured lol... I had just never heard the term zugzwang before in my chess playing. Totally learned a new term today. I play off and on online... tbh I consider myself to be pretty good lol. I play both types of games -- untimed or with a clock. With a clock (I usually do 10 minutes) you will make the occasional bad move and you just have to hope your opponent doesn't see it. My downfall in chess playing is I look to far ahead -- I end up overanalyzing the board and think 3-4 moves ahead and will often miss the obvious move I should have made earlier (i.e. putting black's king in check or doing a knight/bishop swap to open the board more)
  10. I actually didn't know his name was a chess term until I looked it up. I had never heard of that term before
  11. Yes yes.. 18z NAM at the end of its run... but at h5 at 84 looks EUROesuqe to me
  12. Who's move is it in your avatar @Always in Zugzwang? If it's black's move the game is over and white wins... if its white's move... stalemate
  13. I admit its kinda fun to see snow in the forecast on the ZFP's from LWX starting Saturday night and still be there in the forecast for Tuesday
  14. Can you post a link to that please? I can't find the link to that in my weather library of links lol
  15. on the 12z GFS or EURO? And I am guessing that member is going to have a BECS end solution lol
  16. 18z 12km NAM also nudged north as well If you believe in the PW snow maps... 0.1" into DC... 0.5" into S FX... and 1" into EZF ETA: 18z 3km NAM also moved north... but no snow accums up here... CHO is at 1" on 18z... was nothing on 12z run
  17. 1 inch marker is now just north of EZF
  18. 18z HRRRR gets accumulating snow close to DC for tomorrow morning lol
  19. I know there are a few Penguins fans in here... but wow... very surprising news. Wonder what the Caps fans think lol https://www.prohockeyrumors.com/2021/01/jim-rutherford-resigns-as-pittsburgh-penguins-gm.html
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