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Everything posted by yoda

  1. Looks like the 00z GFS is retrograding SW from 66 to 72?
  2. 00z RGEM keeps most of the LWX CWA in snow through 54
  3. 84. See @MN Transplant post last psage about it
  4. It doesn't on PW... but it does have a dual low structure set up it appears
  5. h5 looks better at 00z 66 compared to 18z at 72, no?
  6. I don't have time for it... I'm out and about. I'll be back for the 00z runs
  7. Well done good sir... well done
  8. Huh? They will be hoisted in this afternoon's package
  9. 48 - 997mb SLP extreme W MO on 00z Euro
  10. 925 is fine... its the 850s... worst is like +1C for a few hours looking at soundings... otherwise its like 0.5C
  11. On the mean or all the individual members as well?
  12. Don't tell me that you are suppressing your feelings on the matter of suppression as well since all the talk of suppression really needs to be suppressed before it suppresses us all
  13. LWX AFD should be a fun read IMO... and no, no watches till tomorrow's afternoon package most likely
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