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Everything posted by yoda

  1. I was trying not to have like 6 huge images in one post if you are talking about mine. Give me a minute and I will rectify that
  2. Quick glance at the 06z EPS snow maps through 144 (reminder, there are 50 members): 17 give DCA at least 2" 9 give DCA at least 6" 6 give DCA at least 10" 1 mega hit approaching 2 feet
  3. yeah... that some big changes at h5 between 06z EPS at 120 and 00z EPS at 126 lol
  4. Waiting for the last frames of the 06z EURO... but can already tell the westward movement by hour 84 compared to 00z 90
  5. Apparently, in the zones, it says low around 10 at DCA
  6. I'm guessing you want the h5 to move from the bigger circle to the smaller one in this image?
  7. Ridge is a little bit wider and stronger out west on the 06z ICON at 114 compared to 00z at 120
  8. I see unreadable threads in our future
  9. *Ji* 00z GFS just took away 19 inches of my snow */Ji*
  10. I'm gonna troll my Dad with this snow map lol
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