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Everything posted by yoda

  1. Yes lets ignore eps and control since euro stopped at 90 Yeah let's ignore the trend before the 18z GFS and 00z icon of westward movement then
  2. The same 18z euro that gave us an inch of snow? I'll take 1 to 2 inches over nothing. And 18z Euro OP ended at 90, before any snow
  3. 00z RGEM at h5 84 looks pretty close to the 18z Euro at 90 IMHO
  4. Some posters are so annoying with their trite ways
  5. I've known randy since 2000. Were actually good friends with the exception of a few disagreements here and there We can tell
  6. Yep...pick up another hobby Randy 5 posting you would be a great new hobby for him
  7. If im tracking a new england blizzard for people like kevin wood to enjoy...im gonna make sure i get my moneys worth No one is expecting a blizzard here. We're going for 2-4/3-5... that's well within reason and chance. If we get more, we'll luck be with us. We all know the rules with Miller Bs
  8. If this was a miller A...the board wouldn't have derailed like it has today You'd still be complaining non stop because a model took away two inches of snow from you
  9. Im on my phone you freak of nature Then go do something else if you are so hard on us getting no snow from this
  10. Not when it comes to predicting no snow Then turn off your computer for the night and I don't expect you to be posting in this thread again
  11. Me either. I want to see what the ensembles look like first as well
  12. Yup... GFS leaving behind a bunch of energy at 93... sigh
  13. Hmmmm... the energy out west in UT is even further west at 18z 72 compared to 12z 78... by 100 miles or so I would guess roughly
  14. I'm going to soon have a ignored user for the first time
  15. I want to say I like the 18z NAM h5 at 84... even though its the NAM.... at 84... yay or nay @stormtracker?
  16. You forgot the most important part of the afternoon AFD from LWX... which was right after that lol A deepening trough will move from the central plains into the eastern US Friday into Saturday. Recent guidance has this trough becoming negatively tilted along the Atlantic seaboard, though where exactly the region of surface low pressure tracks and the position of the upper level trough will be critical in this pattern given no strong blocking over the Atlantic. The H5 ridge across Idaho is favorable for a storm along the eastern US coast. Recent runs of the GEFS, NBM, and EPS to some extent have trended significantly further northwest. Note the GEFS/GFS has statistically outperformed the EPS/EURO since late October with H5 height correlation. Caution should be given in not only the track of the surface low, but also if the surface low tracks too far west, there will be a region that receives lower QPF due to being displaced from the surface low and associated dynamics and the dynamics of being under the ULL. This is a complex situation that will become more clear over the next few days. Regardless, the western facing slopes of the Allegheny Front could have a prolonged upslope snow event with this system.
  17. I'd say 25 to 30 percent of the 12z EPS drop 4" or more at DCA
  18. 12z EPS snowmaps took a large jump just east of i95.... like 2-3" compared to 00z
  19. Thanks @WxUSAF... I just spit my water out on the floor with that new thread title
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