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About blizzardmeiser

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  1. Lamar MVP talk was ridiculous. So many better QBs in a big game.
  2. I hate the Eagles but let’s be honest they are a much better team than the Ravens. Dominating them on both sides of the ball.
  3. Agree that it’s all about the playoffs. The narrative on Lamar won’t change until January.
  4. More a Lamar in a big game thing. He’s shrinks when the spotlight gets brighter. He’s nowhere near in the same league as Mahones or Allen.
  5. The only I didnt see any Mets pushing an epic pattern. What you are referring to are folks on this board posting 384hr maps that showed a great pattern. We all know people should tread carefully with LR guidance, especially given how poor LR models perform.
  6. Agreed. Would love to see one more snowstorm but ready for longer days and warmer weather.
  7. I like that you show each model even if it isn't the amount we were hoping for.
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