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Everything posted by Chrisrotary12

  1. I've given up Twitter as a New Years resolution and it is fantastic. Highly recommended if you can do it. Because the models all agree that it ain't coming.
  2. But will it actually move inside Day 11? This I agree with. Bargaining with the wife over whether I get to head to the plains this year.
  3. This is where I play the honesty card and admit that I had not paid attention to the extended range until this week. I'm of the opinion that we can't accurately forecast the weather 3-5 days from now, why try to beyond 7. But since those of you in here who I actually value their input were beginning to get excited about the extended range, I took a peak. Have extended model solutions consistently shown favorable coastal development in the 7-14 day range? And just not been able to transition inside D7?
  4. If you squint really hard you can find away for the day 5 storm to gain enough latitude, but its very encouraging to see the EPS continue to have both a Day 10 and a Day 14 system. Both appear to be of the Miller B variety.
  5. This makes me want this storm to be a bomb even more.
  6. Everyone hanging on to what happened in 2015 as hope. Imagine if 2015 didn't happen. The melts would be epic if not for the hope of a 2015 like flip to snow. GFS for next Tuesday looks like a decent thump of snow followed by drizzle. Really need the high to the north to remain stout to prevent the primary from gaining too much latitude.
  7. This winter is NNE's revenge eh? After years of watching SNE cash in on coastal bombs, NNE finally gets the fun while SNE suffers.
  8. Guess my point was more aimed at 1) there isn't much to discuss and 2) 80% of posts in the forum provide no value at all.
  9. 206 pages for a month during which many of us haven't recorded measurable snowfall. Impressive.
  10. Each of the last 3 weeks were supposed to be snowy as well.............
  11. This upcoming storm system for Friday kinda reminds me of the 2/24-25/16 storm system that had a sweet squall line march from Alabama to Maine. I'd sign up for that again.
  12. If this mega band could start to pivot around to NW-SE then I might make a run at 2'.
  13. Finally got into some good dendrites the last hour. First 6 hours were crappy crystals.
  14. LOL at this storm. Two mega bands died on my doorstep and now the next one forms on my back porch. Can't win.
  15. If our storm center wanted to magically start gaining some latitude that'd be great.
  16. That metro west band dissolved faster than a thunderstorm crossing 495 in the summer.
  17. Metro west band is dissolving. It was slo close I could reach out and touch it. Oh well.
  18. My sleepy brain when I woke up was like "Damn, screw zoned".
  19. When I woke up I was backpeddling......but now that that band is moving nw I think I have to stick with it. (If we end up as the Pivot then look out)
  20. That first mega band seems to be on the move. Shift NW pretty quickly. Actually kinda not really a band anymore. Just filled in and moving NW. First inch of snow was pretty heavy here. Winds are gusting good too. Stronger than I thought.
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