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Posts posted by Chrisrotary12

  1. 4 minutes ago, powderfreak said:

    They aren’t though.  Folks are just latching on to the scenarios they want and then get disappointed.  

    Like I’m not going to say they are terrible because two runs of the GFS gave me 2 feet at day 5.  You have to throw out the outliers.  

    This. Thank you. Thank you very much for saying this.

  2. 3 hours ago, ORH_wxman said:

    Lot of divergence on guidance (and within their own ensembles) for next week....could literally be 60F or snowing and 20F next Wednesday/Thursday.


    1 hour ago, ORH_wxman said:

    You can see the difference between the 00z EPS and the 12z EPS on the midweek setup...fwiw, most other guidance is trending like this too. So we'll have to see if that continues or trends back the other way





    We all know where this is headed. Congrats Montreal.

  3. I don't even have the energy to be upset about this winter. If it's going to suck. Let's just move on to Spring shall we. 

    I'm determined to get back into fishing. Been about a decade since I really went. So the quicker spring can get here, that'd get me closer to that.

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  4. Best I can tell quickly, the biggest change the Euro made was the handling of the 1st northern stream vort. Instead of wrapping it up on Dallas, it comes in much weaker and just floats through the midwest. Toggle 06z.72 versus 12z.66.



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  5. 12 hours ago, Chrisrotary12 said:

    I was just beginning to make plans for Superbowl Sunday.........have to try to remember: one is an aberration, two is a coincidence, three is a trend. Lets wake up tomorrow with the EPS looking this good.

    Looks like 18z EPS was an aberration. Pretty good model agreement from overnight runs. Two of the pieces of energy are still over the northern Pacific south of Alaska if I follow them backwards correctly. There may still be hope.........

  6. 1 hour ago, ORH_wxman said:

    I like the overall look a 114 hours on the GFS...the southern stream is in the mix but not bonkers and you have the potent N stream diving in to set it off. Regardless of what happens on the run verbatim, that's the overall look you want to see. Happens on several of our biggies including Feb 2013.

    That potent northern stream diving in, but not turning north until Bermuda is disappointing.

  7. 6 minutes ago, Bostonseminole said:

    I mostly follow their tweets, don't really watch them on TV.

    I think this is more what I was thinking when I made my statement.

    And to help keep us on topic. I don't hate the ensemble look either. At least this time we're not rooting for it to stay underneath us.  Much prefer wishing for a NW trend than praying for it to trend southeast.

  8. 21 minutes ago, Chrisrotary12 said:

    It's impressive to me how the level of model agreement (at least in the OPs) is decreasing with time.

    I don't know diddly about the data assimilation mechanics of the individual modeling systems, but when the system was over the eastern Pacific and really only being sampled by satellite, we had pretty good agreement. (look at 00z Tue runs for example).

    But as soon as the system came onshore of the west coast and presumably was sampled by the radiosonde network, the goal posts between the individual modeling systems seem to be widening. Definitely from an OP perspective and a bit from an ensemble perspective. The GEPS is way west compared to EPS and GEFS (00z suite).

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