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Everything posted by Chrisrotary12

  1. It would be Stein for a hurricane to landfall in Maine and the other 5 New England states get 0.00".
  2. Is it wrong that I'm now rooting for this thing to screw all of you who want a huge cane and have it landfall in Lubec?
  3. This keeps up the heat is going to turn on in the house.
  4. Have a feeling I am going to spark a Hadley cell diatribe, but anyone else noticing an increase in the frequency for tropical systems that slow to a crawl and/or stall between say 25 & 35 degrees?
  5. Would be interesting to go back and look at a season long satellite loop of 2005 to see how many convective swirls didn't get named.
  6. I see the Stein is back for the next 10 days.
  7. Three GFS runs in a row take the wave off African up the west coast of Florida. Might as well lock that in.
  8. I was promised a landfalling major this weekend.
  9. Honestly the other thing I do when I find I'm not hitting it good is feel as if I am hitting a chip shot with my irons. Focusing on the 1-2.
  10. Gotta use the body to pull the arms into impact. I always like to feel like my arms and hands are trailing by feeling as if I leave my hands at the top of my back swing, a la Brooks Keopka.
  11. Great. More invests that we can track and track and track and wait until they finally cross 70 W to actually become something.
  12. Did I miss a memo, was today supposed to be this overcast and rainy?
  13. Admittedly disappointed that Nana will not impact the U.S. at all simply for the headlines.
  14. With how names are handed out for every rotating thunderstorm, it certainly could.
  15. Overhauling the infrastructure and actually investing in combating climate change are no brainers.
  16. Boy that period around the 9th - 11th looks active and very wet right now in the guidance.
  17. The snowpack fetish never made sense to me. What good does 36" in December followed by 2 months of cold do? Give me 4" of snow every 3 days.
  18. Yesterday's soaker was nice. Let's get a couple more of those.
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