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Posts posted by Chrisrotary12

  1. On 7/20/2020 at 10:39 PM, powderfreak said:

    Today's date back in 2013 was the best severe storm T-Storm I've ever seen locally. 

    This was all around my place and within easy walking distance.  Whiteout wind speeds with rain.  The Mansfield summit was something like 60G80 in a very short period of time... only a 5-min ob, between light wind speeds. 

    I bet we saw a solid 50-60mph... maybe a higher gust peak (?).... that does more damage to interior (non-coastal) full-foliage forests than most people think during the summer season.  It doesn't have to be 80-100mph.

    Sorry for the pics, but strong storms are hard to come by.










    And you crazies want a repeat of 1938 and double the winds.

    On 7/21/2020 at 10:59 AM, TauntonBlizzard2013 said:

    Anyone catch fred touchers meltdown on 98.5 this morning? Yikes 

    Sad for him. But he is the reason I do not listen to 98.5 in the morning. Everyone else at the station is ok by me.

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, PowderBeard said:

    Can't say I remember seeing this before. Lots of younger white and black birch trees in our neighborhood have leaves going yellow already. The neighbors have a 40 footer that is turning as well. Lack of rain fall? 

    My oak trees are dropping half mature acorns in bunches

  3. 12 hours ago, Damage In Tolland said:

    Many mets and folks here have been saying a 38 type cane is coming this fall. Let’s do it!


    12 hours ago, Damage In Tolland said:

    You wonder if we may pull a 55 type year with a Connie and Diane. What the first doesn’t take down, the second does kind of thing 

    Why not both?

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    • Haha 1
  4. 7 hours ago, DavisStraight said:

    Fall golf is the best,  thing like teeing off at 18 and the sun is setting, Go in for a beer and  bite.

    Truth. Fall is the best for any outdoor activity lol

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  5. 3 hours ago, tamarack said:

    My oak trees are starting to drop acorns.......is that normal for mid-July? Product of the drought?

    Most acorns drop in September.  Are yours full size?

    Not full size. But found a few on ground and heard a few hit house other day (no wind).  Maybe just the squirrels fooling around up there, who knows.

  6. What's everyone's favorite weather to golf in?  I think mine is 60-65 F, overcast and a light mist.  You might think me crazy, but I enjoy it for the combination of comfort (not too hot or cold and really not wet) and open golf course.  If you find a course where the greens fees are good for the day you can get 36 or 54 in on these type of days. I love it.

  7. Playing Windham Country Club (Windham, NH) tomorrow. Shot 80 there last year when I played it first time.  Hoping for about the same.  Really wish this game wasn't so expensive. Perhaps an annual membership somewhere would make it worth it.

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