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Everything posted by Chrisrotary12

  1. Is profanity allowed in posts because that's about the only response. WTF.
  2. Phil winning was a big loss for the sports books. He was 200 or 300 to 1 in most spots.
  3. Buddy of mine assists running a Monday-night league at Patriot Golf Course in Bedford, MA. 9-hole track. He runs league with his soon-to-be father-in law who is also the course superintendent. First time meeting/playing with someone in that position. Was an interesting look into the mind of the person in charge of maintaining, updating the course. Every bunker I ended up in was "yeah we installed that one 6 months ago for that exact reason." "Sorry about how hard the sand is, can't do much with all the rain we've had." I thought the greens were in great condition and rolling well for how wet its been and he was constantly saying "this is about half the speed I want them at." Was like damn, these are fast enough. Short course. only protection are hazards and fast greens.
  4. Ding dong the Stein is dead. The wicked Stein is dead!
  5. I was in a golf league in college and my handicap for the 9 was a 3 (lowered to a 2 if I played against commish). I always finished near bottom of league individually but near top with my partner since we were getting team strokes off my handicap.
  6. I thought April was last month?
  7. Dumb pros don't even know what its like. They workout, get a message, spends hours practicing before their round. Us beer drinkers slam the brakes in the parking lot, throw on our spikes and sprint to the first tee. Maybe slam back a miller lite and then grip it and rip it. An other and a few doubles later, we shoot +2 on our final 12 holes.
  8. Believe it. Been raining steadily here all day and returns are better to my southwest.
  9. Pope kicking the stein's ass this week. We wet.
  10. Just send the meteor already.
  11. Thermometer might say 57, but the low dew points and wind is making it feel quite brisk.
  12. For Kevin: https://www.lowellsun.com/2021/04/25/wildfire-scorches-more-than-30-acres-of-land-in-pelham-hudson-n-h/
  13. Are we sure Stein isn't Kevin's burner account? Secretly rooting for a California like drought with wildfires extinguished by a Cat 3.
  14. Are we sure that Sunday is a soaker? Suppose it depends on one's definition of soaker.
  15. Steined in round 1. Just a few drops on the pavement.
  16. Me on Sunday: The weather Monday & Tuesday looks good. I'll go fish one of those days. Me on Monday: Wow. Tons of popcorn showers around. Weather looks good tomorrow. Tells wife about fishing plan. Me today: Actually checks work calendar and sees a meeting from 430-530p. F ME.
  17. Have given 4 of them a bath this spring. They chewed their way into the space above my garage. That was final straw.
  18. Been snizzle for last couple hours. Slot well modeled. We melt.
  19. All I want to know is the snow good for my lawn seed? Has to be right.....just water.
  20. S- - here in the death valley of New England.
  21. All snow and just pounding now. Grass and mulch beds beginning to cover.
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