On a course I've played before and know, then anywhere in the 70s. Probably average a 78. On a course I've never played before then breaking 85 leaves me feeling solid. Probably average like 83.
Is there a site with archived lightning data? Wonder if there would be a way to count the number of strikes. Paul said it a couple posts up, but we just don't get thunderstorms anymore. Perhaps its Tip's Hadley cell messing things up again?
Find the couple things that you are doing well and just keep repeating them. I spent a whole summer one time playing every tee shot to 135 yards so I could hit pitching wedge into the green because it was only club I felt consistently confident in.
Back to back 35’s (even par) at my Monday night league. 5 birdies, 3 bogey’s and 1 double. Struggling off the tee, but I’m putting absolutely lights out. Even my missed putts are lipping out.
Funny. Have the people in my neighborhood kind of went that route. Have the houses don't have grass in the front yard. Rather they went for stones or mulch.