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Everything posted by Chrisrotary12

  1. Nice cells popping on the outflow from the original Nashua storm.
  2. Yep. I glanced at radarscope and saw the purple pixels just to my west. Looked out the window and it was hailing.
  3. Looks like somewhere just north of 1.5" in the Lowe's bucket I left outside.
  4. Got my butt kicked there for about 10 minutes. Storm was more severe than 98% of the warned storms I've experienced.
  5. Maybe slightly more than garden variety. Circulation of some kind must have just gone overhead. Wind just flipped from west to south to north in about 20 seconds.
  6. Nice garden variety summer thunderstorm. Miss these.
  7. 130p: takes break from work to go clean gutters before any potential rain 131p: opens garage and grabs ladder, never checks radar 132p: opens ladder (crack of thunder) whoops.
  8. The rich get richer with rainfall. Pond was way down tonight. At least 3-4’.
  9. Severe localized rain threat for Friday like Tippy highlighted?
  10. How is it that of the four Boston major sports teams only one of them has a competent general manager?
  11. Golf course noticeably burnt tonight. Played like St. Andrews.
  12. Every December 25th when the Grinch comes through?
  13. Think its all of the damn pine tree crap. it's on the to-do list.
  14. Severe rain telling me that I need to clean the gutters.
  15. Do the NWS and SPC have different definitions of severe based on geography? I know the NWS does for snow.
  16. Was there even a legitimate severe thunderstorm? Not those fake New England severe ones.
  17. 8.5” in a 7 hr period so far. Or something like that.
  18. Did people actually think it was going to storm today?
  19. I feel like we get EF2+ conditions 2-3 times a year. But they are always screwed up by cloud debris or lack of a trigger. So they ultimately end of up being 1:1000 year events.
  20. More rumbles as another storm passes to my northwest. Maybe I can get a couple sprinkles.
  21. Got some rumbles from that storm here. That'll probably do it for here. Feel like when you miss out on the 1st one nearby you end up on wrong side of boundaries and get porked.
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