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Everything posted by Chrisrotary12

  1. Nah…. I don’t track stats like that. Definitely wasn’t me. Also, two Saturday’s ago when everyone got like 4” I was in the subby zone and got like 0.5”
  2. Can someone explain what happened in Russia to me like I’m 5?
  3. Just cut the grass. Kind of brown. Could use the rain
  4. Blows my mind that people like humidity like this.
  5. So when do we start the "July 2023 Summer Begins" thread?
  6. Thinking having a 1 yr old is going to prevent me from fishing this year. Haven’t even bought a license or considered going.
  7. Amazing subby zone. 12-24” to 0. What BS!
  8. I know the weather sucks... but this is pretty impressive.
  9. who turned on the dews? Can actually feel it.
  10. Reminder that SE NH and NE MA are there own little micro-severe alley. Always do well there.
  11. Played Overlook in Hollis, NH last two days: +1 & +7. The four 9s were: +3, -2, +8, -1. Guess I need to work on the front 9. (3-9 is definitely the hardest stretch)
  12. Could it stop raining for like 18 hours please? Just need to cut the grassland that is my yard.
  13. Need to start a “when will you turn off heat” thread. I’ve still got it on for lowest level of house.
  14. I hate to say it but if that's the thickest its been for you then you missed out.
  15. You're in a car. Drive west or south to intercept core.
  16. Sounds like one of those sci-fi TV weather movies... Ice Twisters!
  17. If you squint long enough you can imagine that we all just received 12-24" and the low is rotting in the gulf of Maine.
  18. Just accepted that you live in the sahara now
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