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Everything posted by Chrisrotary12

  1. I had this exchange with a buddy. The last couple years I thought the trees around here looked extremely unhealthy. Perhaps it’s just a matter of the cycle and they are at the end of their lives. But also, all the other reasons you mentioned.
  2. I’ve been in my house for 4 years. Year 1: wheelbarrows full but in the fall and giant acorns. Years 2 & 3: not much. now year 4: tiny acorns in July…
  3. Anyone ever fish Nickerson state park down the Cape?
  4. Anyone been to a Portland Seadogs game? Recommend?
  5. Over. Lol. dude is king of whining his way to jackpot. The anti-Ray.
  6. You Re correct. Only paid for one of them.
  7. Ah ok. Then I’m not sure
  8. Probably had a chance at both.
  9. I’m suppose to golf in this $h!+ today? 3 inches of rain and tornadoes. Now that’s what I call entertainment!
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