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Everything posted by Chrisrotary12

  1. Be interesting to see what happens to the CT storm when it reaches the CRV.
  2. I’m currently watching Moana with my 2 yr old. Didn’t know how else to describe it. These storms just look like garden variety New England storms. Real storms have a crisp definition and a lima bean shape.
  3. The three cells in southern New Hamshire are becoming isolated. Should be entertaining. But still think something is missing. They’re not crisp.
  4. Storm presentation on radar blows. Something’s off.
  5. Perfect depiction of the rte 2 to ASH t-storm dead zone.
  6. I didn't compare the result... I simply compared the morning surface conditions.
  7. Good luck finding a spot with a west view. Maybe on the east side of lake.
  8. wasn’t 6-9-53 fog & drizzle in the morning until warm front moved north?
  9. Which of us is in Bridgewater on Newfound Lake? Feel like that area is a magnet.
  10. Man I do not remember this. Looks like an epic SNE supercell.
  11. Y’all remember thunderstorms? What are those like?
  12. Surprised it didn’t get a name.
  13. Wish we got storms like this here.
  14. Yep. Skipped over here. Bit of stratiform rain on backside.
  15. Still waiting here. Didn’t rain enough to wet under trees.
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