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Everything posted by Chrisrotary12

  1. Here in the Merrimack Death Valley I think I cut my lawn once in June.
  2. was at Mother In-Laws in Billerica doing yard work. Glanced at radar and saw a downpour on doorstep. Packed everything up and of course it went poof. maybe its me.
  3. Are there any websites that produce a lightning map for time periods longer than a day?
  4. Thunderstorm capital of New England. It’s insane.
  5. Y’all talking about missing damage by neighborhoods when I haven’t had a thunderstorm since I was in Atlanta 2 months ago.
  6. It doesn’t snow anywhere anymore anyways.
  7. Man CT is just far enough east, west, south and north for everything
  8. SPC knows to cut that off right at the NH border. Rich get richer today.
  9. Holy cow what a morning! A+++
  10. Didn't you get multiple thunderstorms the other day? We don't even get those. They avoid this area.
  11. I had no idea we lived in such a desert.
  12. Nicely done by HRRR. What’s it like to get a thunderstorm?
  13. HRRR is insistent on firing cells along a boundary near the CT/RI/MA border around 00z.
  14. My irons and wedges are also 12 yrs old. A few years ago I hit a new iron in a simulator and its RPMs were half of my old steel.
  15. After 11.5 trusty years of using a Titleist 913 driver and 3 wood I caved and upgraded. Received new Titleist TSR3 driver (8*), 3 wood (13.5*) and 5 wood (18*). Hit a bucket after work today and man the technology is impressive. I found it extremely difficult to really mishit them. Even mishits still flew pretty good. Based on one driving range session: club: new (old) Driver: 280 carry (270) 3 wood: 245 carry (230) 5 wood: 225
  16. What’s the website for visualizing 30, 60, 90, 180, 365 day precipitation?
  17. Y’all notice how that storm intensified as it approached the sea coast? It’s insane.
  18. Finally a storm with the right presentation.
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