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About Chrisrotary12

  • Birthday 11/08/1990

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Nashua, NH - 427'

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  1. 1st round is in the books. As expected, zero short game.
  2. Thinking about sneaking out tomorrow afternoon for first outdoor round of year.
  3. Mother Nature is a bitch. Yard cleanup done. Golf courses open. And its cold as bleep.
  4. “Playable” areas for the little one has been cleared. Tomorrow we attack the edges.
  5. Hit a bucket of golf balls at range yesterday and the ground wasn’t soggy at all. A tiny bit wet, but I would call it mud at all. Glorious.
  6. Yeah but what did you shoot when you included your putts?
  7. Hit my first bucket of balls of grass this afternoon and received two emails with course opening days. I'm ready.
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