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About Chrisrotary12

  • Birthday 11/08/1990

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Nashua, NH - 427'

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  1. If I ever shoot 125 I’m quitting the game. Average score last year was 77. Really hoping to get that down to 75 this year. I’ve been hitting the simulator once a week to keep the hands warm.
  2. Nah. Winter gets till February 28 for me. Then March is about golf season prep.
  3. 8 more days and then winter can go F itself.
  4. Lol. I live at the top of a hill and there was water flowing downhill.
  5. Sun doing it job today. We melt. Epic ice dams
  6. All deterministic models should stop at 120. Save everyone a lot of energy.
  7. Is it too much to ask that planes take off and land in tact these days?
  8. Oh good. Now I have someone to call to rip out my irrigation system and install a new one.
  9. I don’t know what we just gusted to but damn did it just rip.
  10. Shouldn’t we be applauding the guidance for nailing this one? All guidance showing a LP to Bermuda for days is great consistency.
  11. Standard CAA wind at the moment. Nothing like the ORH and FIT obs.
  12. After today’s slop fest I am ready for golf season. Bring me Morch!
  13. There’s our annual best t-storm of the year in February.
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